Creating the finest quality of luxurious and vintage products in environmentally sustainable and ethical way, Lotus silk envisions a return to a sustainable and ethical fashion production.

Our mission is to successfully combine the production of ethical, hand crafted, tradition silk, with the glamorous fashion industry. Our ethical fashion accessories preserve traditional procedures, skills and knowledge while providing sustainable income for the most fragile layers of the Cambodian population. We pride on detecting talent and employing tailors from low income communities, facing inequality and lack of opportunity, significantly improving their living conditions, as well as that of their families.
At Lotus Silk, we believe in the importance of preserving traditional techniques, while contributing to reduce social inequalities in Cambodia. We pride on the fact all of our products and process are subject to international ethical and environmental policies and regulations.
We chose to support decent living conditions for our staff and members, and promote inclusive, sustainable and equitable practice as a way of life.
We are committed to doing our part and supporting local industries, providing employment opportunities encouraging livelihood and further career development. Our stuff and partners are regularly trained and acquire transferable skills, promoting their specialized professional development. But are also receiving personal support, assisting them in the task of constantly learning and growing their capacity.
Our tailors are paid double the average wage of garment factory workers in Cambodia, and are ultimately provided with a working environment that is safe, supportive and upholds strict labour standards.

Lotus Silk was founded by Mrs Vannary San in 2003 with the intention of supporting local silk production programs throughout Cambodia, connecting communities and driving them towards sustainable development structures. Growing from one sewing machine and one tailor, to directly employing 10 tailors and gathering 5 different rural communities, Lotus silk is the story of hard work, and perseverance, providing training, skill development and employment opportunities for the most fragile layer of the Cambodian population, all the while preserving an ancestral traditional art form and producing the highest quality of ethical and environmentally sustainable silk. As a market leader in our field, we specialize in the production of golden silk, traditionally cultivated and woven in the provinces of Prey Veng and Kampot. As we grow, we hold firm to our vision and the ethics that guided us since the early days.